I’m a 40+ year woman still waiting for the wisdom I’ve always expected to come with age. I’m a mother of two boys who I love unconditionally, but occasionally I wish – not always with guilt – that they came with a return label. I’m a wife, a daughter, a former communications specialist. And a writer. Hence, we meet here:-). Interested to find out more? You can click here or simply read my posts.

The best lessons my mom gave me (now!)
I had a unique opportunity to live with my mom. Obviously, majority of us had lived with their mothers, but my opportunity presented...
How I found home in the midst of the pandemic
The pandemic has changed a lot for all of us, but there are a few things I'm grateful for. Finding a home is one of them. When we moved to...
The more I optimize, the more I lose
Alexa, fart! The most common command our own little AI device gets from my two little rascals. What a delight! It’s my struggle, to be...